Product Catalog
Communication cables

Telephone and radio cable PRPPMt

Кабель телефонной связи и радиофикации ПРППМт


Designed for operation at voltages up to 380 V with a frequency of up to 10 kHz on telephone subscription lines and distribution networks.
The cable can be used for installation in soils, telephone conduits, collectors, on the outer walls of buildings, and is permitted to be installed on overhead communication towers.

Cable design:

1. Conductor: copper core.
2. Insulation: PE.
3. Strength messenger.
4. Outer sheath: UV stabilized PE.

Design Versions:

1. Outer sheath: PVC.


ТУ У 05758730.009-98

Main technical and mechanical characteristics

Operating temperature range, °C: от -60 °C до +50 °C      
Installation temperature range, °C: от-10 °C до +50 °C      
Minimum installation bending radius, not less than 10 cable diameters      
Minimum life service, years – 10      
Conductor Diameter, mm 0,8 0,9 1,2
Conductor Electrical resistance, Ohm / km, no more than 36,0 28,4 16,0
Working capacity of conductor pairs, nF / km, no more 50 50 56
Insulation resistance between conductors (after 3 hours in water), MOhm, not less than 10000 10000 10000
Тяговое усилие при прокладке кабеля Н(кгс), не более 392 (40) 392 (40) 392 (40)
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