Company news

Start of the season of SCS OK-net certification courses

The “Odeskabel “plant and the OK-net brand are conducting training of just another group of employees of installer-companies and integrator-companies. The training includes the intricacies of working with structured cabling systems. The training was not interrupted even during the period of quarantine and was provided through on-line sessions, based on the Zoom platform.

Now we have an opportunity to conduct two-day classes on June 17-18 directly at the Odeskabel plant, by the sea.

As before, to participate, you need to submit an application to the e-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Companies that have completed the courses receive certificates "OK-net SCS installers". That, in turn, allows them to give a 25-year warranty on OK-net SCS and to receive additional discounts on OK-net products.


Our courses will cover the following topics:

1 Introduction into SCS OK-net. ISO 11801: 2018 standard.

2 Component base and installation features of OK-net SCS on the basis of "twisted pair".

3 Component base and installation features of OK-net SCS, based on fiber-optic systems.

4 Basic requirements for preparatory works and installation works.

5 SCS certification parameters. Work with certification devices.

anons oknet