Company news

ODESKABEL's website won recognition again


Almost 130 corpotate media resources took part in this year's "Silver Threads". A lot of new companies took part in the Contest for the first time, and this means that the interest in raising the professional level of the information resources is growing.

Corporate information resources of companies and enterprises were defined in 5 basic nominations: "The best corporate newspaper", "The best corporate journal", "The best corporate website", "The best radio/TV program", and "The best special corporate communications project". 

It is pleasant to note that Odeskabel is the first Ukrainian company which took part in this Contest, and won.



Information about the Contest

"The Silver Threads Contest" - is the first interregional Russian contest of corporate information resources. In 2007, it became national.

Organizers of the Contest: Communication and Information Academy (Moscow) and Consulting Group "Brend-project" (Moscow).